Greetings to you from far far away.Bizarrely I´m in Buenos Aires for the weekend - for work of course. It´s an amazing city. Very Spanish (of course, given it´s history). This is where we had dinner last night. On the Dock I mean, not on the ship. Or was it breakfast. 14 hour flight from Paris, and 4 hours behind Ireland timewize. The jet lag is peculiar.
I´m leaving tomorrow afternoon for home, arriving sometime on Tuesday afternoon. I expect my brain to be at least 10 hours behind the rest of me.And I did bring knitting, but not a second spare for it. I´m waaaayyyy too tired to read a chart, or string beads. Never mind. It´ll be a well-travelled scarf at least.Oh, and in case you´re wondering. It´s very humid - and lashing rain..
Congratulations to TIK for the great opening party on Friday. It was a blast to see the new shop and meet so many knitters.
I was also delighted to get some lovely beads (in The Crown Jewels, near the back entrance of the Powerscourt Centre) to go with this yarn for a surprise project, which shall remain unidentified for now on the off-chance that the recipient visits the blog in the next little while.
The beads are gorgeous. Many thanks to Aileen for the tip off and to my friend J who came and held my hand. AND to Jacqui of TIK who lent me her very own laceweight yarn to bring down to the shop to be sure that the beads would fit. Now, there's top service from your LYS!All the best guys. We'll get a TIK on the moon one day..