Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What shall be made of Wooll onely

Oh Wow.

Lookit this...

This text is from the 1699 Wool Act by William III of England (a.k.a. Billy the Kid), and refers to the laws against exporting the fleece products of wool items from the shores of England in order to protect the industry.

Such products are referred to in the Act as...

'Wooll Wooll-fells Shortlings Mortlings Wooll-flocks Worstead-Bays or Woollen Yarne Cloth Serge Bays Kerseys Says Frizes Druggets Cloth-Serges Shalloon'

S'poetry, innit?

Hop on over and check out this fantastic blog.

Irish Historical Textiles: What shall be made of Wooll onely

Be ye warned however, you may be gone some time.

Bring sandwiches.


1 comment:

textilehistorIE said...

Hey thank you for the shout out!! I hope you blog about that comment you left on my blog, about the book you read about Lord Edward's 'activities' ;)